Here you can find the tourist map of the "1914 Battle of the Marne" tour, as well as the related historic trails.
Paper versions of these maps are available from the Meaux Tourist Office and the Musée de la Grande Guerre (Great War Museum).
The tourist map
Discover the 1914 Battle of the Marne tour with the tourist map.
Follow the route from the Musée de la Grande Guerre! The map shows you the key landmarks in the 1914 Battle of the Marne, as well as points of interest to discover along the way.
The map is available free of charge from the Musée de la Grande Guerre, the Meaux Tourist Office and the town halls of the towns on the tour.
And if you want to find out more, take the tour guidebook with you.
Additional maps
"In the footsteps of Charles Péguy" historic trail (in french)
"In the footsteps of the Moroccan Brigade" historic trail (in french)